In my case too, if I truly had known the necessity as to how essential WOLMYEONGDONG was, I would have bought all of the land when it cost 3,000 won per pyeong. However, because I did not sense the necessity as to how valuable Wolmyeongdong was, I kept going around looking for land in other areas’for Providence history at that time.
Then God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son inspired me. And realizing the necessity of Wolmyeongdong late, I began buying the land with an anxious heart when the land price had gone up, paying 2-10 times higher prices while regretting that I had not bought the land when it was cheap. I bought the land taking 15 years. And I began developing Wolmyeongdong into the holy land.
If I had felt the necessity of the land of Wolmyeongdong right away at the time when the Wolmyeongdong land was cheap, I would have bought all of it in just one day. I was unable to feel its necessity at that time. That is why at a later time, with regrets, with burning anxiety, and burning shimjeong I took action, though it was late. That is why no matter how precious something is, even if something is a blessing, a person has to feel its NECESSITY in order to take action. That is why, no matter what work you are doing, it is truly important to feel the necessity of that work.
- From the sunday message May 17, 2015 -
나도 <월명동>이 얼마나 필요한지 ‘필요성’을 정말 알았다면,
평당 3000원씩 할 때 땅을 다 샀을 것입니다.
그러나 그때 월명동이 얼마나 귀한지 ‘필요성’을 못 느끼니,
섭리역사를 위해서 계속 ‘다른 곳의 땅’을 찾아다녔습니다.
그러다가 하나님과 성령님과 성자께서 감동을 주셨고,
늦게 ‘월명동의 필요성’을 깨닫고,
땅이 쌀 때 못 샀던 것을 후회하며
땅값이 올랐을 때 2~10배나 값을 더 주고
심정을 태우며 땅을 사기 시작했습니다.
15년 걸려서 샀습니다.
그리고 월명동을 ‘성지 땅’으로 개발하기 시작했습니다.
월명동 땅값이 쌀 때 바로 ‘필요성’을 느꼈다면,
하루 만에 다 샀을 것입니다.
그때 ‘필요성’을 못 느끼니,
후에는 후회하고 애간장을 태우고 심정을 태우며
늦게라도 행한 것입니다.
그래서 사람은 아무리 귀한 것이라도, 축복이라도
<필요성>을 느껴야 행합니다.
고로 어떤 일을 하든지 ‘그 일의 필요성’을 느끼는 것이
정말로 중요합니다.
- 2015년 5월 17일 주일말씀 중에서 -